I just stumbled across your blog a couple of days ago, and already I look forward to the next installment so eagerly that it's more like "Two Nurse Stalking". Thanks for the great content, and thank you for doing what you do!
@lerinjo and @cassieY4, I've just read three of your posts (two by Cassie and now one by L'Erin). If I read more – which I will – I'm gonna have to get my credit card and subscribe for a month at least.
I just stumbled across your blog a couple of days ago, and already I look forward to the next installment so eagerly that it's more like "Two Nurse Stalking". Thanks for the great content, and thank you for doing what you do!
@lerinjo and @cassieY4, I've just read three of your posts (two by Cassie and now one by L'Erin). If I read more – which I will – I'm gonna have to get my credit card and subscribe for a month at least.